Annette Ramirez
Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar

Registration Renewal Fee Estimator

Motor Bus Fee
Combination Fee
Truck Fee
Trailer Fee
Passenger Cars, Private Buses and City Buses
Motor Bus registration Renewal Fee Estimator

Motor Buses are over-the-road vehicles that transport persons for hire from a city or town to a destination outside the limits of such city or town or its suburban additions.

* Please note: that these fees are based on 12 months registration.

Diesel Engine

Bus empty weight:

Number of passenger seats:

Combination Registration Renewal Fee Estimator

Any vehicle that is a pulling unit (truck or truck-tractor) with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 10,000 lbs. that is pulling a semitrailer with a gross weight in excess of 6,000 lbs. may be registered with a Combination license plate, if the combined gross weight is more than 18,000 lbs. Texas Transportation Code Section 502.255, applies to those vehicles registered in Combination.

Vehicle gross weight:

Registration Renewal Fee Estimator for Trucks

* Please note: that these fees are based on 12 months registration.

Check if your truck uses diesel AND is more than 18,000 pounds.

Gross Weight:

Registration Renewal Fee Estimator for Trailer, Semi-Trailer and Travel Trailer

"Trailer" means every vehicle designed or used to carry its load on its own structure and to be drawn by a motor vehicle. The gross weight of a trailer or semitrailer is the actual weight of the vehicle, as certified by a public weigher or a license and weight inspector of the Department of Public Safety, plus its net carrying capacity.

* Please note: that these fees are based on 12 months registration.

Gross Weight:

Registration Renewal Fee Estimator for Passenger Cars, Private bus and City Bus

If your vehicle is 6,000 pounds or less, the fee schedule is $64.25:

* Please note: that these fees are based on 12 months registration.

For any vehicle over 6,000 lbs., regardless of model year, check diesel fuel if applicable, enter the weight and click Enter:

Check if your truck uses diesel AND is more than 18,000 pounds.

Gross Weight:

The Harris County Tax Office is pleased to offer estimators for the various fees that residents pay for their passenger cars, buses, trailers, and motor homes.

Just select a category from the links above to access the fee estimator.

Please Note: As the names indicate, the tools located above were created to calculate an estimate of what your fee will be.

Please Note: A $4.75 Processing and Handling Fee is mandated by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and is added to each registration renewal.

Please Note: New vehicles from the current or previous model year are eligible for a Two-Year Inspection Replacement Fee of $16.75, applicable at the time of initial registration. Vehicle owners are not required to obtain a safety or emissions inspection prior to vehicle registration.

Add Emissions Inspection fee to all Non-diesel vehicles.

Main Telephone Number:
Military Help Desk:
713-274- HERO (4376)
Downtown and Branch Offices normal hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM through 4:30 PM

Location of Branch Offices:
All branch locations can be found on our homepage
Customer Service E-mail Address: (Property tax questions only)
Automobile Title/License:
Annette Ramirez Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar
P.O. Box 4089 Houston, Texas 77210-4089

Property Tax Payments:
Annette Ramirez Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar
P.O. Box 4622 Houston, Texas 77210-4622
Property Tax Correspondence:
Annette Ramirez Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar
P.O. Box 4663 Houston, Texas 77210-4663

Open Government

Privacy Policy

In our commitment to open government, we invite open records requests in writing. Click here to access an Open Records Request form.
Once you have completed the form listing the requested information, you may mail it to:
Harris County Tax Office,
P.O. Box 2109.
Houston, Texas 77210-2109.

Please do not include open records requests with any other Tax Office correspondence.