Annette Ramirez
Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar

Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar

Please view our 2025 Zoom Virtual Training Schedule at the bottom of the page to RSVP. Participants must log-in on time and attend the training in its entirety. Trainings are approximately one hour.

Click here to go to VDVR Portal

In order to encourage voter registration, Texas election law provides for County Voter Registrars to designate individuals to assist in the registration of eligible persons to vote. These individuals are appointed as Volunteer Deputy Registrars and operate under State rules and the supervision of the County Voter Registrar.

To be eligible to serve as a Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar, you MUST be:

  1. at least 18 years of age
  2. a citizen of the United States
  3. a resident of Texas

In addition to the rules above, a Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar MUST NOT have been:

  1. determined by final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.
  2. finally convicted of a felony or, if a felon, fully discharged of sentence, including any term of incarceration, parole, supervision, completed period of probation, or have been pardoned (Texas Election Code, §13.031(d)). A person is not considered to have been finally convicted of an offense if the person’s adjudication of guilt was deferred (H.B. 1226, 82nd Leg.).
  3. Finally convicted of Fraudulent Use or Possession of Identifying Information (Texas Penal Code, § 32.51).
  4. Finally convicted of a Class A misdemeanor relating to performance-based compensation for voter registration (Texas Election Code, §13.008).

Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar appointments received during 2025-2026 expired on December 31, 2026. By law, all individuals requesting to become or remain a VDVR should undergo training to be deputized for the 2025-2026 term.

2025 Zoom Virtual Training Schedule

All participants must individually submit an RSVP, log-in on time and attend the zoom training in its entirety. Participants will receive their certificate of appointment via mail within 10 business days after completion.

Print Schedule
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VDVR Zoom Training





VDVR Zoom Training 03/24/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 03/24/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 03/24/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 03/26/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 03/26/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 03/26/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 03/28/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 03/28/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 03/31/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 03/31/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 03/31/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/02/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/02/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/02/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/04/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/04/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/05/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/07/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/07/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/07/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/09/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/09/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/09/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/11/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/11/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/12/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/14/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/14/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/14/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/16/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/16/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/16/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/21/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/21/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/21/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/23/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/23/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/23/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/25/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/25/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/26/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/28/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/28/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/28/2025 6:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/30/2025 10:00am
VDVR Zoom Training 04/30/2025 2:00pm
VDVR Zoom Training 04/30/2025 6:00pm
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Main Telephone Number:
Military Help Desk:
713-274- HERO (4376)
Downtown and Branch Offices normal hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM through 4:30 PM

Location of Branch Offices:
All branch locations can be found on our homepage
Customer Service E-mail Address: (Property tax questions only)
Automobile Title/License:
Annette Ramirez Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar
P.O. Box 4089 Houston, Texas 77210-4089

Property Tax Payments:
Annette Ramirez Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar
P.O. Box 4622 Houston, Texas 77210-4622
Property Tax Correspondence:
Annette Ramirez Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar
P.O. Box 4663 Houston, Texas 77210-4663

Open Government

Privacy Policy

In our commitment to open government, we invite open records requests in writing. Click here to access an Open Records Request form.
Once you have completed the form listing the requested information, you may mail it to:
Harris County Tax Office,
P.O. Box 2109.
Houston, Texas 77210-2109.

Please do not include open records requests with any other Tax Office correspondence.