Annette Ramirez
Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar
Attention all dealers (Salvage dealers are exempt)

webDEALER Access, Use, and Training Deadline: Dealers are required by Texas Administrative Code rules to complete webDEALER training by April 30, 2025, unless they have been active webDEALER users for more than six months and submitted more than 100 transactions as of October 1, 2024.

webDEALER Requirement: HB 718 requires Texas motor vehicle dealers to use webDEALER for processing title and registration applications electronically. IMPORTANT: Dealers without webDEALER accounts on July 1, 2025, will not be able to complete motor vehicle sales transactions. Dealers should coordinate with county tax assessor-collectors' offices for system access to webDEALER ahead of the deadline.

webDEALER Training: To support dealers and county staff in meeting the training requirement, TxDMV offers multiple webDEALER training sessions monthly, available both online and in person. On-demand video training in English and Spanish is also available. Check the TxDMV calendar page at for dates and registration information for monthly training sessions.

New changes for January 1, 2024
Pursuant to Transportation Code, Sec. 502.041. Initial Registration.

In accordance with Attorney General's Opinion 0-1023, every person who holds legal title or has the legal right of possession or control of a vehicle is required to register and must annually register the vehicle in the county in which the individual resides or any county willing to accept the application. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the tax assessor-collectors and their deputies to establish the applicant's residence prior to the issuance of registration.

Effective January 1, 2024, proof of residency will be required for all individuals applying for registration in Texas, applying for an ownership change, or renewing Texas registration. The forms of proof that will be accepted are:
  • Utility bill (not cell phone)
  • Drivers license or Identification with Harris County address
  • Mortgage/lease agreement*
*A lease agreement will be accepted for leased vehicles.
Un-repaired Salvage Title
Effective January 1, 2024, proof of Limited/Use tax on all salvage titles on un-repaired vehicles if purchased by a dealer will be required. You will also need to show receipts of parts used to repair the vehicle.

Purchases of unrepaired salvage motor vehicles are subject to Texas limited sales and use tax. The seller will collect and remit the state and local sales tax directly to the Comptroller.The TAC has no responsibility to ensure sales tax was paid. Refer to Publication 98-776 County Tax Assessor-Collectors Important Information About Taxes on Un-repaired Salvage Vehicles.

If the purchaser of an unrepaired salvage motor vehicle applies for title after repairing the motor vehicle, no motor vehicle tax is due. Once a person rebuilds a previously damaged motor vehicle and applies for a regular motor vehicle title, the person will need to show documentation on the repair work and pay the titling fee to return the vehicle to a rebuilt salvage vehicle.

TxDMV Form VTR-61, Rebuilt Vehicle Statement, indicates who rebuilt the vehicle. Future sales of the vehicle as rebuilt salvage are once again subject to motor vehicle tax.

Salvage vehicle Frequently asked questions

Drop Off Procedures
In an effort to improve customer service and long wait times, we have reevaluated our current commercial process. Effective May 2, 2022, all commercial must resume dropping off transactions at the following three locations ONLY.
In listening to the concerns from our valued customers, we understand the constraints that everyone is facing. Our goal is to limit the amount of time it is currently taking to process transactions.
The drop off days and times are Monday – Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Each branch will have dedicated staff who will be assigned to work commercial packages only. Dealers will drop off six (6) packages containing no more than ten transactions per dealer and will only be allowed to drop at only one location per approved scheduled days. Title services will drop off two (2) packages containing no more than ten transactions per title service (6 per authorized dealer) and will only be allowed to drop at only one location per approved scheduled days.
Please continue to use the Convenience package form MV-501 including customer/vehicle information on all packages.
Customers will check packages in themselves using one of the kiosk in the lobby. A receipt will generate that should be presented when picking up completed packages.
When the packages have been completed you will be notified that the packages are ready to be picked up by automatic e-mail. If you provide a cell phone you will also receive a text when the packages have been completed.
Resubmit Rejected Procedures
In an effort to avoid delayed waiting time for transactions that have been previously dropped off and rejected, we created resubmit drop off days. Transactions that were previously dropped off and were rejected can be resubmitted Thursday – Friday, from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Place these transactions in a SEPARATE drop-off envelope containing no more than five (5)rejections per envelope with the completed MV-501-R with the notation: RESUBMITTED REJECTION These will NOT count as one of your packages. Please do not mix regular title transfers with Resubmitted Rejections - the regular title transfers will be returned to you unprocessed. All original rejections being resubmitted must include the original Title Transfer Checklist(Form MV-451). Submitted rejections should not include any rejections pertaining to incomplete or missing Title Service Forms such as TS - 5's, TS - 8's, or TS - 12's.
Title Service Requirements

Pursuant to Texas Administrative Code: Title 43, Part 5, Chapter 95, Rule 95.1 individuals wishing to complete an application to register as a new Motor Vehicle Title Service MUST apply in person at the Harris County Administration Building: 1001 Preston, Room 100, Houston, TX 77002 . You are required to notify us immediately of any changes that pertain to your Motor Vehicle Title Service License.

In order to apply, please complete and submit the following form and ORIGINAL documents (please note that the names on your Driver License or Identification Card and your Social Security Card MUST match):
  • Form TS-1 Completed and signed Application for Motor Vehicle Title Service License .
  • Valid Texas Driver License or Texas Identification Card .
  • Social Security Card (provide your INS or DHA documents if your Social Security Card requires it) .
  • Photo of building where business is physically located (business name as listed on DBA must be evident on the outside of the building) .
  • Assumed Name Certificate (DBA). If a corporation, also include current Secretary of State' ' documents listing all officers .
  • Authorization Letter Requirements
    All title services must submit form TS-8 Authorization Letter with each transaction for an individual and dealer/business unless the title service has been put on file to submit or process work on behalf of the dealer/business. The Authorization Letter may not be used in lieu of Form VTR-271 (Power of Attorney to Transfer Motor Vehicle). A Power of Attorney may not be used to sign the Authorization Letter.
    Authorization Letter requirements are the following:
  • Form TS-8 Completed and signed Authorization Letter
  • Copy of owner’s valid personal identification, following TxDMV Identification Guidelines
  • A business card, along with valid personal identification (following TxDMV Identification Guidelines), if the registered owner and/or seller of the vehicle is in a company and/or automobile dealer name
  • Authorization Letter Requirements for Dealers dropping off packages
  • A letter on the company letterhead, indicating who is being authorized to conduct/present work to the tax office.
  • The letter must state that the authorized representative is an “Employee or is Employed” by the business.
  • The letter must include the following information:
    • Signing agent’s contact name and position (owner/manager/or another person capable of making business decisions for the dealership or company)
    • A working telephone number. Alternate phone number, if available
    • Company/Dealer Business Address
  • Attach:
    • The signing agent’s business card
    • Copy of the signing agent’s I.D.
    • Authorized representative’s I.D.
    • Dealer’s current license issued by TXDMV
  • A business card, along with valid personal identification (following TxDMV Identification Guidelines), if the registered owner and/or seller of the vehicle is in a company and/or automobile dealer name
  • webDEALER Information
    The webDEALER system, which is operated by the TxDMV, was developed in order to allow dealers to process title applications and new registrations online. The Harris County Tax Office assists Harris County dealers in setting up access to this system.
    If you are interested in signing up for webDEALER, please contact our office at We will send you a list of the requirements necessary for using webDEALER in Harris County, the manual, and request information from you in order to begin the process. Further information regarding webDEALER is also available on the TxDMV website at
    Dealer FAQ’s
    Q.Who must apply for a Motor Vehicle Title Service License?

    All companies and individuals wishing to conduct title service business in Harris County, as defined in Chapter 520 of the Transportation Code under subchapter E must be licensed by the County Tax Assessor-Collector. Any organization that falls into the category of "motor vehicle title service" company must be registered and licensed by the County Tax Assessor-Collector.

    Q. What is the difference between the Motor Vehicle Title Service Owner and Motor Vehicle Title Service Runner License

    Motor Vehicle Title Service "Owner" means any person who, for compensation, directly or indirectly assists other persons in obtaining title documents by submitting, transmitting or sending applications for the title documents to the appropriate government agencies. The motor vehicle title service company shall assume the responsibility for the accuracy and validity of all documents presented to the County Tax Assessor-Collector under its name.


    Motor Vehicle Title Service "Runner" is a registered agent of a registered motor vehicle title service company. The motor vehicle title service runner has the authority to present motor vehicle title service documents to the County Tax Assessor-Collector's office for processing. Runners must be authorized by a motor vehicle title service company. Runners may represent more than one motor vehicle title service company.


    Q. Can I submit my application online?


    Q. Can I renew my Motor Vehicle Title Service License/Runner by mail?

    Yes. If mailing, we strongly suggest you send your application utilizing a mail/delivery service with some form of tracking.

    Mail In:
    Office of Annette Ramirez.
    Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector
    Attn: Special Investigation Unit
    1001 Preston Street
    Houston, Texas 77002-1839
    Drop Off:
    Tax Office Distribution Center (place in envelope marked “Special Investigations Unit”) 11525 Todd St. Houston, Texas 77055
    Cypress Hill Tax Office Distribution Center (place in envelope marked “Special Investigations Unit”)

    For additional information: you may contact us at:

    Phone: 713-274-8197


    Texas Transportation Code:

    Texas Administrative Code:

    Contact information for dealers

    Q. What is the turn around period for completed packages?

    It can range between 2 to 4 weeks depending on the number of staff and the workload received weekly.

    Q. What is the status of my convenience package?

    Please check the status of your convenience package at our tracker here:

    ConvenienceLog Program .

    Q. When are ID badges issued for Title Service Owners/Runners?

    The schedule is listed here: IDSchedule. ID badge pictures are by appointment only, at the Downtown branch at 1001 Preston. Upon approval of your application, a confirmation email will be sent providing the date and time of your appointment to obtain your ID Badge.

    Q. How do I have an employee added to the authorized database to request to have work processed?

    Complete and submit form MV-560 along with all necessary documents. An authorized agent must complete this form.

    Q. I am a used dealership with no inventory, and I am interested in joining webDEALER. How do I join?

    Please contact us at and we will assist you.

    Contact Information for Dealers
    Auto Department Customer Service
    Office of Annette Ramirez
    Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector
    PO Box 4089
    Houston, TX 77210
    Title Service
    Phone: 713-274-8197
    Distribution Center
    Main Line Phone: 713-274-9700
    Cypress Hill Distribution Center Phone: 832-927-8118
    Convenience Packages Phone: 713-274-8380
    Fax: 713-368-2199
    Office of Annette Ramirez
    Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector
    Attn: 1st Floor webDEALER
    PO Box 4089 Houston, TX 77210
    Office of Annette Ramirez
    Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector
    Attn: 1st Floor webDEALER
    1001 Preston Street
    Houston, TX 77002
    Special Investigations Unit
    Phone: 713-274-8197
    Office of Annette Ramirez
    Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector
    Attn: Special Investigation Unit
    1001 Preston Street
    Houston, Texas 77002-1839
    Procedures and hours for picking up supplies at the Distribution Center
    Dealers may pick up inventory supplies at the Distribution Center by filling out form MV-056, Dealer Order Form. Dealers will receive their inventory at the time of submitting their completed form MV-056 at the Distribution Center: 11525 Todd Road Houston, TX 77055 or 4290 Cypress Hill Dr, Spring, TX 77388.

    Dealers can pick up forms:

    Monday – Friday

    9:30 am – 4:30 pm (12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. closed for lunch)

    Dealers can pick up Plates (only webDEALER users under contract): Thursdays and Fridays

    8:00 am – 4:30 pm (12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. closed for lunch)

    Main Telephone Number:
    Military Help Desk:
    713-274- HERO (4376)
    Downtown and Branch Offices normal hours:
    Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM through 4:30 PM

    Location of Branch Offices:
    All branch locations can be found on our homepage
    Customer Service E-mail Address: (Property tax questions only)
    Automobile Title/License:
    Annette Ramirez Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar
    P.O. Box 4089 Houston, Texas 77210-4089

    Property Tax Payments:
    Annette Ramirez Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar
    P.O. Box 4622 Houston, Texas 77210-4622
    Property Tax Correspondence:
    Annette Ramirez Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar
    P.O. Box 4663 Houston, Texas 77210-4663

    Open Government

    Privacy Policy

    In our commitment to open government, we invite open records requests in writing. Click here to access an Open Records Request form.
    Once you have completed the form listing the requested information, you may mail it to:
    Harris County Tax Office,
    P.O. Box 2109.
    Houston, Texas 77210-2109.

    Please do not include open records requests with any other Tax Office correspondence.