webDEALER Access, Use, and Training Deadline: Dealers are required by Texas Administrative Code rules to complete webDEALER training by April 30, 2025, unless they have been active webDEALER users for more than six months and submitted more than 100 transactions as of October 1, 2024.
webDEALER Requirement: HB 718 requires Texas motor vehicle dealers to use webDEALER for processing title and registration applications electronically. IMPORTANT: Dealers without webDEALER accounts on July 1, 2025, will not be able to complete motor vehicle sales transactions. Dealers should coordinate with county tax assessor-collectors' offices for system access to webDEALER ahead of the deadline.
webDEALER Training: To support dealers and county staff in meeting the training requirement, TxDMV offers multiple webDEALER training sessions monthly, available both online and in person. On-demand video training in English and Spanish is also available. Check the TxDMV calendar page at www.TxDMV.gov/calendar for dates and registration information for monthly training sessions.
Pursuant to Texas Administrative Code: Title 43, Part 5, Chapter 95, Rule 95.1 individuals wishing to complete an application to register as a new Motor Vehicle Title Service MUST apply in person at the Harris County Administration Building: 1001 Preston, Room 100, Houston, TX 77002 . You are required to notify us immediately of any changes that pertain to your Motor Vehicle Title Service License.
All companies and individuals wishing to conduct title service business in Harris County, as defined in Chapter 520 of the Transportation Code under subchapter E must be licensed by the County Tax Assessor-Collector. Any organization that falls into the category of "motor vehicle title service" company must be registered and licensed by the County Tax Assessor-Collector.
Motor Vehicle Title Service "Owner" means any person who, for compensation, directly or indirectly assists other persons in obtaining title documents by submitting, transmitting or sending applications for the title documents to the appropriate government agencies. The motor vehicle title service company shall assume the responsibility for the accuracy and validity of all documents presented to the County Tax Assessor-Collector under its name.
Motor Vehicle Title Service "Runner" is a registered agent of a registered motor vehicle title service company. The motor vehicle title service runner has the authority to present motor vehicle title service documents to the County Tax Assessor-Collector's office for processing. Runners must be authorized by a motor vehicle title service company. Runners may represent more than one motor vehicle title service company.
Yes. If mailing, we strongly suggest you send your application utilizing a mail/delivery service with some form of tracking.
For additional information: you may contact us at:
Phone: 713-274-8197
Email: specialinvestigationsunit@hctx.net
Texas Transportation Code:
Texas Administrative Code:
Contact information for dealers
It can range between 2 to 4 weeks depending on the number of staff and the workload received weekly.
Please check the status of your convenience package at our tracker here:
The schedule is listed here: IDSchedule. ID badge pictures are by appointment only, at the Downtown branch at 1001 Preston. Upon approval of your application, a confirmation email will be sent providing the date and time of your appointment to obtain your ID Badge.
Complete and submit form MV-560 along with all necessary documents. An authorized agent must complete this form.
Please contact us at AutoTDMV@hctx.net and we will assist you.
Dealers can pick up forms:
Monday – Friday
9:30 am – 4:30 pm (12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. closed for lunch)
Dealers can pick up Plates (only webDEALER users under contract): Thursdays and Fridays
8:00 am – 4:30 pm (12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. closed for lunch)