Voter Registration Records
The Harris County Voter Registration Department serves over 2.5 million registered voters in the nation’s third largest county. Voter registration materials are available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Chinese.
For assistance please call 713-274-8200.
Para ayuda llame al 713-274-8201. 呼叫熱線 713-274-8203
Nếu quí vị cần giúp đỡ trong việc ghi danh bầu xin hãy gọi số 713-274-8202
E-mail voter registration (
Eligibility Requirements
State law requires you to register 30 days prior to the election in which you wish to vote. An applicant’s spouse, parent, or child (acting as an agent) may complete and sign a Voter Registration Application, provided that the agent is a registered voter, or has applied for voter registration.
You may register to vote if you fulfill all of the following requirements:
- Are a resident of Harris County.
- Are at least 17 years, 10 months of age (To vote, you must be 18).
- Are a U.S. citizen.
- Have not been declared totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction.
- Are not finally convicted of a felony—or have satisfied the court’s requirements after a felony conviction or have received a pardon.